
Mike from Cadillac asked about the word plethora.  The Latin plethora, fullness of habit, came from the Greek word πληθώρα, fullness or satiety. It was based on a verb meaning to fill.

Originally, in ancient Greek medicine, plethora meant an overabundance of one or more of the humors. When it transferred meaning to an excess of any substance, quality, or activity, it acquired a negative connotation: surfeit or glut.

Eventually, it worked its way into a more neutral meaning-- a very large amount, quantity, or variety. It is now enshrined in virtual clichés, such as a plethora of words, a plethora of experience, and a plethora of choices.

It also has a modern medical sense, according to the Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary: a bodily condition characterized by an excess of blood and marked by turgescence and a reddish complexion. It’s also defined as an excess of any of the body’s fluids.

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